Wednesday, November 18, 2020

"Aquascaping the Anthropocene" projected on the Manhattan Bridge NYC. 2020


Light Year 67: Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil

Thursday, Novemeber 5th, 2020
2-10 pm (NYC time)

Light Year 67: “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil” serves as a celebration and reminder to all of the beauty of life as a human being on this rock spinning around the sun. In a recent talk at TEDx San Francisco, Mel Robbins mentioned that scientists estimate the probability of your being born at about one in 400 trillion, so each and every one of us are special.

These are dark times for us all, some more than others, and to stop and reflect on the beauty of our world is needed more than ever.  The LIGHT YEAR program is presented on the Manhattan Bridge in the streets of Dumbo, Brooklyn.

Exhibition date: November 5, 2020
Total Run Time: 30:24

Participating Artists /  Country
Ernesto Gonzalez / USA - Mexico
Agni Zotis / USA - Greece
Gigi Spratley / USA
Jean-Michel Rolland / France
Keegan Luttrell / Germany
Malado Baldwin / USA
Valerie Schaller / Austria
Marton Daniel Gabor, Juice / Hungary


Curated by John Ensor Parker

Aquascaping_The_Anthropocene#4" 3:14 mins, 24fps. 1080p HD video 2014-present/ongoing

Aquascaping the Anthropocene" creates a visual montage illustrating the resiliency of the coral reef,  its relationship to plastics, and a possible "optimistic future view of a post human; plasticized Ocean, in which a hybrid symbiotic relationship between the coral and the plastic gyre occurs."

 The composition consists of video documentation of a living coral sculpture made of reclaimed plastic and fiber optics composited with other videos of living coral colonies, underwater lighting, plastic sculptures, and video projection mapping.

[dNASAb] __"The real enemy is the disneyfication of everything." _

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