Saturday, March 14, 2015

Video Documentation "Sculpting Life_Transcending the gyre_ exquisite colonies of plasticized symbiosis" 2015

"Sculpting Life_Transcending the gyre_ exquisite colonies of plasticized symbiosis" 2015
[A Re-Contextualization of the living marine reef ecosystem]
40 gallon custom acrylic aquarium,pumps, filters, actinic lights, resin,fiber optics,acrylic, reclaimed plastics, led's,thermal formed plastics, archival imaged plastics, 40 living corals,fish, shrimp, invertebrates, algae,1080p HD video with original audio track.
36 (w) X 92" (h) x 24 inches

  [dNASAb]’s most recent body of work has evolved in exciting new directions. These dynamic new works are informed via the intense observation of the living marine reef ecosystem. The artist maintains a full blown reef ecosystem in his studio in which he nurtures and propagates dozens of species of living corals, as well as the subsequent ecosystem needed for them to thrive, fish, invertebrates and bacteria. The artist refers to the reef aquarium as the “studio tank”, and as the name suggests it is a place of research into developing living sculpture. [dNASAb] conducts research utilizing new materials, species integration and optical systems in an effort to re-contextualize the reef environment.

  The underwater world has always been a source of inspiration for the artist but it’s this daily interaction with this pristine system that informs the new works in this series. The tank requires extreme measures to maintain suitable water chemistry and a sterile environment for the species to thrive, the most important step in this process is intense observation. Utilizing the same level of observation the artist has turned his discerning eye to the natural environments that are the foundations for a healthy reef. Sadly, the same standard of cleanliness does not exist in real life. What the artist has found on the beaches, in the Ocean’s, and strewn through the mangrove nurseries is horrifyingly inspirational.

  “Like an Ocean gyre, a vortex of artifacts of a consumption based contemporary society such as; plastic bottles and bags, fishing nets, and helium balloons become ensnarled with driftwood, dead coral, and seaweed creating a grotesques amalgamation of disparate materials which remarkably can still harbor life and be a sculptural framework for life to grow. I aim to develop work that embodies this contemporary conundrum.”

Special Thanks to Frederieke Taylor, Desiree Konian, Scott Williams, Larry Morris, Brian Bronzino, Warren Vanvarick, Bob Dellavechia, Ryan Michael Ford, Tyrome Salvatore Tripoli, Erik Pye, Lydia Kernodle, Justin Wood, Lauren Clark, Aquatic Visions, Sea Level Aquarium, MOTE Tropical Marine Research Lab and VoltaNY.

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