Monday, March 05, 2012

Anonymous, Message to the American People "You are being Surveillanced" March1st 2012

"Anonymous,Message to the American People "You are being Surveillanced" March, 1st 2012

I am not a Hacktivist, but rather an artist. I believe the responsibility of great art is to raise more questions than answers. This video art series is an attempt to broaden the dialog surrounding the beliefs and methods of the group Anonymous; and the intersection of our own personal freedoms, private vs. public information, and the future of Neutrality on the Internet. This video was specifically uploaded and distributed via the internet on March 1st 2012, the exact day that Google launches its new Privacy policy, allowing them to harvest and sell more of your private data. Again, in an effort to raise questions surrounding how, why and to what extent is your personal data is being mined.

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