Monday, October 03, 2011

[dNASAb] "Aesthetics of Decay; Design for Dying Electronics #3" 2011

"Aesthetics of Decay; Design for Dying Electronics #3" 2011, 1080p HD Video, edition of 5 + 2AP
1 min. exerpt of large multi-channel video installation.
[dNASAb]/Frederieke Taylor Gallery

This HD Video comments on the lifespan of current consumer electronics, and the inevitability of their deaths. I engage in the destruction of screens in the studio, the broken screens and the inherent designs created by the organic nature of the cracks have been photographed, studied and have influenced the aesthetics of the video. By mapping video into the broken areas and juxtaposing multiple videos within the design, a glitching video has been created. In the action of playing this video on your iPad ,computer screen or HD tv screen, you are virtually rendering your own screen broken. The dichotomy of the ever newer screen playing HD content that turns your new screen into a dying screen highlights the inevitability of the death of your own hardware. While simultaneously revealing the beauty of the decay and death of electronics and questioning the lifespan of display screens. The video actually ends with the destruction of the screen.

[dNASAb] 2011

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