Thursday, September 06, 2007

11 iPod ,'iPod sculpture' "iPodECOsystem_HybridEntertainmentMatrix"2007 exhibited at DePauw University solo show titled "Techno-etic"

"iPod ECOsystem, Hybrid Entertainment Matrix" 2007 [11 channel iPod video sculpture]
August 22, 2007, Greencastle, Ind. - "[dNASAb]: // techno_etic," an exhibition that visualizes the possible aesthetics of wireless data and the fetishization of technology, will be on view at the Richard E. Peeler Art Center at DePauw University from August 24 through September 23, 2007. You're invited to attend an opening reception with a talk by the artist on Thursday, August 23, at 4 p.m.

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