Sunday, March 11, 2007

"Random Access Poetics" opens at vertexList on Mar.16th 2007"

VertexList space has the pleasure to present “Random Access Poetics”
featuring new media projects by [dNASAb], Ernesto Klar, Prize Budget for Boys and Lance Wakeling.

“Random Access Poetics” focuses on the processor-based new media work dealing with exposing invisible aspect of information. This exhibition brings together young Brooklyn new media artists and the Harlem/Toronto based collective Prize Budget for Boys.

The reception will take place on Friday, March 16th 2007, 7pm - 10pm.

In conjunction with the reception party Ms. PacMondrian will perform "Trance Dance Seance" at 8.30pm

The exhibition will be on display until Sunday, April 22 04th 2007.
vertexList -- 138 Bayard St Brooklyn NY 11222 *
Tel/Fax: 646 258 3792 *

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