Sunday, November 24, 2013

Excerpt of Video Art that animated the 16 channel Video Sculpture "Screenscaping Berlin _ Ästhetik des Verfalls; Design for Electronics Sterben" by [dNASAb] 2013

1:35 min excerpt of Video Art that animated the 16 channel VideoSculpture "Screenscaping Berlin _ Ästhetik des Verfalls; Design for Electronics Sterben" by [dNASAb] 2013

16 LCD screens, 48 ft of LED's,cast plastics, speakers, auto-start media players, HD 1080p audio/video tracks 120 in. x 120 in.(10 ft x 10 ft )

"The clarity of the bubbling video goo, oozing from the cracks and melted holes in the led screen, jittered glitch-y line drawings of sadness, whilst I killed it." [dNASAb]