Showing posts with label astheticsofdecay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label astheticsofdecay. Show all posts

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Excerpt of Video Art that animated the 16 channel Video Sculpture "Screenscaping Berlin _ Ästhetik des Verfalls; Design for Electronics Sterben" by [dNASAb] 2013

1:35 min excerpt of Video Art that animated the 16 channel VideoSculpture "Screenscaping Berlin _ Ästhetik des Verfalls; Design for Electronics Sterben" by [dNASAb] 2013

16 LCD screens, 48 ft of LED's,cast plastics, speakers, auto-start media players, HD 1080p audio/video tracks 120 in. x 120 in.(10 ft x 10 ft )

"The clarity of the bubbling video goo, oozing from the cracks and melted holes in the led screen, jittered glitch-y line drawings of sadness, whilst I killed it." [dNASAb]